To access your Bogazici e-mail account, you can use one of our Bumail services which you can access below.

  • Bumail is a modern, interactive webmail client which has 5 different visual themes that are fully compatible with mobile devices.

  • POP3 is a protocol used by local e-mail clients to retrieve e-mails from a remote server. Unlike IMAP, POP3 clients generaly retrieve all messages, store them on the user's PC as new messages and delete them from the remote server.
  • IMAP is a protocol used by local e-mail clients to retrieve e-mails from a remote server. IMAP supports both on-line and off-line modes of operation. Unlike POP3, IMAP clients generally leave messages on the remote e-mail server until the user explicitly deletes them. You can retrieve your e-mail using POP3 or IMAP from university e-mail servers.
  • SMTP is a protocol used by local e-mail clients to send e-mails to a remote server. You can send your e-mails using SMTP from university e-mail servers.
  • Also you can use webmail services like Horde or Roundcube to send e-mail.
The size of your e-mail Inbox is limited.
  • For student type accounts it is 1 GB
  • For instructor type accounts it is 10 GB
  • For personnel type accounts it is 2 GB
  • Alumni type accounts are forwarding addresses without quota.
When the quota is reached, your Inbox will be unable to store any more messages. E-mail messages sent to you will be returned to the sender with an error message indicating that you can't receive e-mail because your Inbox is full. You can make space by deleting unnecessary messages. You can view your quota usage by logging into Horde, Roundcube webmail services or you can use 'Account Quota' link on the navigation panel.
To protect the service itself and the users, there are some limitations applied. These are:
  • maximum message size
  • number of messages an acount can send per unit of time
  • number of simultanious connection a single host can make
Additional limitations and security measures may be imposed at any time, either temporarily or permanently, either as needed or as part of ongoing improvements to the service.
You can forward your account using Horde or Roundcube. If you have an alumni account, you can forward your e-mails by using
E-mail Accounts suffixed with are converted to e-mail accounts suffixed with for our retired academic personnel. Users can log in with their existing usernames and passwords at the address below:
Users should change the settings in e-mail client applications such as Outlook, Gmail, Thunderbird:
E-mail infrastructure for retired does not support Horde interface.

  • SMTP Service: (25/587)
  • IMAP Service: (143/993)
  • Pop Service: (110/995)
Relevant fields to be changed above are described under guides named "IMAP /POP Ayarları" and “E-posta listeleri için (, smtp ayarları” at the address

In order to reset your password, log in and browse to:
If you lost your password to log in, you can reset your password with your recovery e-mail address or mobile number: